I know how tempting it can be to take out a Payday loan when you desperately need to get your hands on some quick cash.
But truth be told, short of going to a loan shark this is one of the absolute worst ways to borrow money.
Tips and Information on...everything!
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I know how tempting it can be to take out a Payday loan when you desperately need to get your hands on some quick cash.
But truth be told, short of going to a loan shark this is one of the absolute worst ways to borrow money.
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I’m sure you’ve probably seen the commercials for auto insurance where the narrator tells you that Company X won’t raise your insurance premiums if you have an accident.
They sure make “Accident Forgiveness” sound appealing, but is it really a good deal if you have to pay extra for it?
Well, the answer is maybe… [Read more…]
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Do you love the convenience of using an ATM to withdraw cash from your bank account, but hate paying hefty ATM fees for the privilege?
Well, so do I.
It just doesn’t seem right that we should have to pay for the privilege of withdrawing our own money from our own bank accounts!
Well, I have some good news for you…
There’s a simple way to avoid having to pay ATM fees regardless of which bank’s ATM you happen to use!