I enjoy learning new things, and I also love helping someone get out of a jam by helping them solve a vexing problem.
That’s why I started my tech blog, RicksdailyTips.com.
I’ve been posting my tech tips on there since 2014, and during that time I’ve had several people ask why I don’t start a similar blog dealing with a wide variety of topics and issues that go well beyond the area of technology.
Well, after much deliberation I’ve finally decided to do just that.
While I have roughly four decades of experience in the IT field, I’m far from being an expert in much of anything else. But I do enjoy researching topics that interest me.
As I write the posts for this blog and answer your questions I’ll always do my very best to track down the most accurate information I can find and then pass it on to you.
I mentioned earlier that I’m not an expert in much of anything outside the IT world, and that means I’ll be relying heavily on the knowledge and info shared by others on their own blogs and websites.
Any time I pull info from another site I’ll happily give that site attribution in the form of a shout-out and a link to the article/post that I’m quoting.
Whenever you see one of those “attribution” links I encourage you to click on it and check out the other site as well.
After all, the Internet is based upon the concept of sharing, and I plan to do my part whenever and wherever I can.
In conclusion, I welcome you to my little corner of the web. You’re invited to sit a while and read to your heart’s content.
And if you happen to see something that seems out-of-kilter (or even worse, just plain wrong), please let me know about it so I can research the issue further and correct the post if need be.
As I mentioned above, my greatest goal is to always provide the most accurate information available on each and every topic that I write about.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
— Rick